05 June 2012

Call for protection of environmental habitat

Press For Peace (PFP) has warned of catastrophic future if government and environmental agencies do not improve their conservation efforts to protect the natural habit in Azad Kashmir.
 “In AJK natural recourses are facing extraordinary threats due to ruthless deforestation, population growth, soil erosion, unplanned development and other ecological problems.”  
Press For Peace (PFP), an organization working for the promotion of peace and sustainable development issued a report on the occasion of World Environment Day.

Giving the details of the report PFP spokesperson Jalaluddin Mughal said that deliberate arson, unscientific logging and nomadic interventions have contributed forest depletion in the area. 
He expressed concern over the lack of sustainable development and environmental awareness among policy makers and general public.
The report lamented that in spite of spending huge funds on various National Park Projects the Illegal hunting of endangered spices of wildlife and aquatic life has increased during the last few years.
It said seventy percent population in Azad Kashmir relies on forests for fuel, fodder and other livelihood, therefore, the government should initiate environment friendly renewable energy sources to protect the forests.
It also revealed that the drinking water systems have been affected by increased pollution which contributes to various diseases in people.
“There is dire need to create awareness among public and government officials about the protection of natural environment,” it added.   

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