25 February 2012

Press for Peace delegation visits Cambodia

Islamabad: A team comprising peace and human rights activists, researchers and peace promoters from Pakistan Administered Jammu & Kashmir left for Cambodia here on Saturday. Press for Peace Director AJK Raja Wasim Khan, Researchers Dr.Nighat Younas, Ayesha Saeed and Shanhanz Gardezi will join other participants of Intra-Kashmir study visit in Cambodia.
The visit is arranged by Conciliation Resources in collaboration with the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Phnom Pen, Cambodia. 
Press for Peace is a peace and human rights organization working in the divided state of Jammu & Kashmir. The Conciliation Resources focuses on conflict-affected regions around the world to improve global conflict policies. It supports people at the heart of conflicts who are striving to find solutions.
The Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS) is home to a range of interconnected programmes that promote the advancement of peace processes, research and learning. CPCS creates opportunities for practitioners, students, academics and analysts to access information and resources that are contextually grounded; and supports people in country and conflict situations through network support mechanisms and consultancy services.

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