04 July 2010

Cut on AJK Budget Threats National Security: Marvi Memon

By: Jalaluddin Mughal

Muzaffarabad: Member of National Assembly Standing Committee for Jammu Kashmir & Giligat Biltastan Marvi Memon have advised Pakistan Government to resolve Azad Jammu and Kashmir related financial issues as it is a threat to national security, integrity and reputation of Pakistan on Kashmir policy.After her 3 days visit to AJK, she reported to PM Gillani and PAC to look into AJK related issues as it is the basic demand for people and Government of AJK.
Report submitted to the PM and PAC containing more than 20 recommendations reflects the demands of Kashmiries as they have strong observations upon delay in reconstruction and development projects due to funds deficient.
She informed the government that the role of ERRA is viewed with suspicion by the people of AJK despite the efforts made by them to try and create opportunity out of adversity at time of 2005 earthquake. ERRA should present the whole account details before National Assembly on fifth commemoration of earth quake.The 3 city master plans are far from execution let alone negotiated satisfactorily as per the locals. Apprehensions about terms and conditions delays need immediate handling by relevant stakeholders with Chinese.HEC should look into the matter related to cut on grant of AJK University as it will effect on development projects as well as student scholarships.

As per Marvi’s recommendations, for the AJK ADP the Rs 1.815b not released during 2009-10 are additionally required over and above the normal ADP 2010-11 to clear the matured liabilities immediately. Enhancement in ADP 2010-11 is required from Rs 6b to at least the demanded Rs 11b to meet the deficit of Rs 5b approved by AJK Assembly. Special grant of Rs 245m for MLAs debited to ADP 2009-10 should be provided in addition to normal AJK ADP because PM’s special grants are never deducted from existing ADP allocations. Project Review Board for Pyara Kashmir project approvals needs to be resolved since delay of 5 months has caused considerable national security risk already.

The AJK Council outstanding of Rs 1.59 b to AJK government needs to be settled as well. The compensation of Rs 5 billion to AJK for Mangla rising as well as WAPDA dues of Rs 40 crore is still outstanding. The net hydral profit of AJK is justified for all hydrel projects and needs to be given, she demands.
She is of opinion to provide fund for 50 % increase in Police and other Government employs salaries should be raised at same level as rest of Pakistan especially neighboring Punjab.

She urges that resolutions condemning Indian atrocities in IHK recently need to be tabled and a special session of National Assembly needs to be requisitioned to discuss these to give it the international and domestic priority as it deserves. The inefficiency of the Kashmir Committee is a subject much discussed at the people’s level in AJK and this is a dangerous sign. Certainly its accountability is required.

(Writer is associated with Press For Peace as Field Director .Email: jalaluddin.mughal@pressforpeace.org.uk)

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