16 April 2012

To India: With Love from Pakistan

By Pritam K. Rohila: The recent India visit by President Zardari, even though brief, and not intended to tackle any particular issue, has received accolades from many quarters on both sides of the India-Pak border. It is remarkable, that it came in spite of Pakistan’s various domestic distractions. It is even more significant, that it occurred at a time when fundamental institutions, such as the Supreme Court, for the first time in Pakistan’s history, seem to be assuming their rightful role, and the parliamentary representatives of all sections of the Pakistan population have demonstrated rare unity to tackle serious issues facing the country. Undoubtedly, the current efforts to normalize relations between India and Pakistan are much bolder and have progressed much farther than those initiated in the past. Recent steps undertaken by both sides to improve trade relations may provide further strength to these efforts by increasing interdependence between the two neighbors. After decades of flirtations with suitors in the West, Middle East and East Asia, Pakistan appears now to be turning to the one, it has had centuries of historical and cultural ties. Let us hope it does not turn out to be just a flirtation, and that it results in a long-lasting holy matrimony. It is said that blood is thicker than water. If it is true, it is amazing that people of India and Pakistan, many of whom have come from the same gene pools and have similar blood lines, have taken such a long time to make a genuine endeavor to come together and live peaceably with each other. Now that it has happened, let’s not waste our time and efforts in trying to debate its why’s and wherefores. Rather Indian as well as Pakistani patriots should bless and support it, for the sake of substantial benefits it would entail for all South Asians. __ Dr. Rohila is the Executive Director of the Association for Communal Harmony in Asia ( www.asiapeace.org ), and can be reached at asiapeace@comcast.net

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