07 August 2012

Stateless Kashmiris call to join Olympics community

London: Organisers of 2012 Olympic Games on Sunday were urged to include athletes of Jammu and Kashmir, a disputed state controlled by India and Pakistan.

A group of Kashmiri Diaspora Community members took part in a demonstration near the Olympic Park Village in London to protest over the forcibly division of their homeland, Jammu and Kashmir.

Agitators, who belong to various political parties and groups, issued a memorandum to extend congratulations to all the members of LOCOG for successfully organising 2012 Olympic Games.

They said that they want to join 2012 Olympic Games, however, India and Pakistan do not allow this.

They also alleged that in the Indian administered Jammu and Kashmir playgrounds have been turned into military camps and our fields in rural areas where young people use to play have been turned into mass graves.

“Jammu and Kashmir is the world’s most militarised place and despite our young people desire to become world champions in javelin throw they have been forced to become stone pelters", they further added.

“We want to break the chains of subjugation and control over our freedom of speech and movement so that we can build a peaceful and better world for our future generations to enable them to participate in Rio 2016 Olympic Games".

They also vowed to use sports as a catalyst for bringing change and peace in Jammu Kashmir.

The protestors belong to various groups like Jammu Kashmir National Liberation Conference (JKNLC), Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM), Jammu Kashmir National Awami Party (JKNAP), Kashmir Liberation Organisation (KLO) and Association of British Kashmiris .

So far the LOCOG has not issued any comment on the demand.

Since 1989 when militancy erupted in Jammu and Kashmir, Kashmiri overseas communities settled in the Western countries have raised human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir but this is the first time that Kashmiris showed their interest to join Olympics community.

(writer is a freelance correspondent who also works with Press For Peace (PFP)- an NGO that promotes peace and development in Jammu and Kashmir. He could be accessed via: www.pressforpeace.org.uk) News Source: Ground Report
Photo Credit: Dadyal Online www.dadyal.pk 

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